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7 Ways Your Car Could Be Asking for Help
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7 Ways Your Car Could Be Asking for Help

Jun 20, 2022
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Keeping a well-maintained car is not always easy. Online DIY videos on YouTube make it so that maintaining the car yourself is easy. That’s the power of the internet these days. I would never have thought that my reliable Spectrum mobile plans could teach me general maintenance on my car. But YouTube is filled with DIY and explanation videos. 

So you should watch a few or more whenever you get the chance. Remember that keeping a well-maintained engine can not only save you money but also save your life.

Maintain Your Engine

How Does a Well Maintained Engine Save Money?

Maintenance costs money. So how can it save you money? Well, yes, keeping a maintained engine is not going to be free. You are likely going to need to find a reliable mechanic in your area. Though DIY videos and tutorials can help, you should not try anything without a professional present. 

So how can it save you money? By preventing something major going wrong with your engine. Spending a few dollars here and there on engine upkeep can save you thousands of dollars in damages. By catching issues early on, you can ensure that nothing major happens to your engine. 

7 Tips to Maintain Your Engine

An engine is a complex piece of machinery. It has a lot of moving parts and let’s not forget the substantial amount of combustion happening. So it is vital that you ensure your engine is in good working condition. These tips help to ensure your engine stays in good health and lasts you a long time. 

  1. Oil Maintenance
  2. Check Your Coolant
  3. Check the Airflow
  4. Notice Any Leaks
  5. Manage Gas Levels
  6. Check Your Belts
  7. Pay Attention to Warnings

 1. Oil Maintenance

Oil is the life-blood of your engine. It keeps the engine well-lubricated so that it doesn’t overheat. And as such, it needs replacement regularly. But when you don’t change the oil as required, it can cause severe damage to your engine. 

Additionally, mechanics can tell if there are any other issues. Simply by analyzing the used oil, they can find out about the health of the engine.

2. Check Your Coolant

While the oil definitely helps, the cooling system is responsible for keeping the engine temperature at manageable levels. The cooling system consists of things like the radiator, water pump, and coolant. The coolant is a liquid that circulates through the engine to lower the temperature. Like your engine oil, the coolant also needs replacement regularly. 

3. Check the Airflow

In order for an engine to work, it needs an intake of air. The air is mixed with the fuel and then lit on fire, which is what drives the combustion engine. Before the air is delivered to where it combusts, it is important to filter it. All the air is directed through a filter which needs to be replaced regularly. 

The frequency of replacement depends upon where you drive. How much pollution there is and your driving habits. 

4. Notice any Leaks

As a car owner, you should always be vigilant for any leaks. Leaks can happen for multiple reasons, and not necessarily just with older cars. A leak means that the fluid levels are depleting. Driving a car with an engine oil or coolant leak can be dangerous. 

If there is a coolant leak, your engine could overheat. And if there is an oil leak, your engine can completely seize. If you notice a leak, don’t risk driving to the mechanic yourself. Either find one who can take a look at the car where it stands, or use a tow service. 

5. Manage Gas Levels

One thing you might not realize is that the fuel we use also has some residue. This residue collects towards the bottom of the fuel tank. It is not good for the engine. Though the fuel filter blocks most of it, some can still make its way through. So it is advisable not to use the fuel at the bottom of the tank too often.

That means you should not to let your car run to the very end of the fuel gauge. 

6. Check Your Belts

The engine is not just one piece of machinery. It is a combination of different components. Some of these components need to be run using rubber belts. Since the environment in the engine hub is usually hot and these belts are under constant pressure they can weaken.

So it is advisable to regularly check the condition of your belts. Cracks and lower tension are a sign that the belts need to be replaced. 

7. Pay Attention to Warnings

The warning lights on your dashboard are a clear indication that something needs your immediate attention. So read the user manual to find out exactly what the warning lights mean. And if you ever see one light up on your dashboard, take immediate action. 


Caring for your car might seem like a big responsibility at first. But the more often you perform these checks the easier they become. Additionally, you can do what I did and watch DIY and tutorial videos on how to care for your engine. I wish there was a DIY car maintenance channel on my Frontier TV packages. That would make life so much easier. But since there isn’t one yet, YouTube videos are the next best alternative.