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All You Have to Know About Air Pollution Control

All You Have to Know About Air Pollution Control

Mar 17, 2022
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Air pollution is caused by the liquid and solid particles that stay suspended in the air around us. We breathe in the air and along with it, we inhale all these harmful unwanted particles right into our lungs which lead to numerous diseases. Since air pollution is in rapid growth, we need to try our best to initiate steps that promote air pollution control.

Air Pollution Control

The following air pollution control ideas will help you improve your quality of life by improving the quality of air around us.

Reduce Emission of Harmful Gases From Our Vehicles:

 Road transport is one of the primary sources of nitrogen oxides. Nitrogen oxides have a detrimental effect on lung growth throughout life. 

  • If you are a driver, take it easy by following simple rules:
  • Promote carpooling.
  • Do not drive too fast because it increases such emissions.
  • If you buy a new car, always consider new models because they have been upgraded with the latest technologies.
  • Avoid buying diesel cars because they emit more nitrogen oxides than fuel cars.
  • If you want to choose the clean option, check out all-electric cars.  

Take a Walk, Bike, or Use Public Transport – You can reduce air pollution by choosing public transportation. Many municipalities also offer significant benefits of encouraging people to use their public transportation. Many cities invest in electric buses and other modern vehicles to reduce the emission of harmful gases. 

Walking or Cycling – It helps slow down the traffic and saves your time and health. This way contributes to maintaining an active lifestyle and improving self-esteem and health. In addition, it is one of the ways of air pollution control.

Save Energy –Efficient emissions such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, mercury, carbon dioxide, etc. All these pollutants have negative impacts on health and the environment. Not only this, but it also reduces your energy. Saving energy either at home, at work, or while traveling lowers carbon dioxide emissions and causes global warming.

Take Good Care of Your Stove –If you use a wood stove, make sure you maintain it well. The burning of wood releases tiny particles that are more harmful to our respiratory tracts. Other gases emitted such as benzene, etc. 

Purchase Recycled Products – Recycled products have been extracted and processed once. Producing the same products, a second time consumes less energy and pollutes.

Eat Less Meat – If you eat less meat, it will reduce air pollution and even benefit your health.

Eat Seasonal Products –Always eat seasonal products because they do not have chemicals. 

Plant Trees – We need to grow more and more trees to help to reduce air pollution. Trees also lower levels of nitrogen dioxide etc. we should grow more trees, which helps reduce the speed of polluted air. This is one of the air pollution control methods.

Awareness – Awareness can be the first step in raising awareness of the people around you about changing attitudes towards reducing the problem of low air quality in the affected area. 

Steps to Control Indoor Air Pollution

Indoor air circulation indoors is much lower than outdoor air. As a result, most of spending more time in our homes, we are at significant risk of developing health problems. 

Grow Many Indoor Plants – Most houseplants have the same ability as trees to cut down air pollutants indoor spaces and regenerate air by releasing carbon dioxide. The house plants like spider plants, etc. These plants can absorb toxins like xylene, etc. This is also one of the air pollution control methods.

Open Your Window –You have to open your window for 5 minutes to come fresh air from outside and remove toxins out from the room, and it helps reduce moisture from household activities, etc. 

Use Natural Products – If you are buying household products for home, make sure it does not contain harmful chemicals. Most detergent paints and cleaners on the market contain toxic substances. These substances only pollute the house but also health disorders. Also, you should choose products made from natural materials. This is also one of the air pollution control methods.

Do Not Smoke in the House – Do not smoke in the home. Smoke contains harmful toxins that can also cause serious health problems to family members.

Keep Indoor Humidity Low – We can do this by opening a window to exchange the air inside your house using ventilation fans to reduce humidity—dry your clothes outside your home. 


Do not underestimate the amount of air you breathe every day. If we do not take precautionary steps now not only, we but the coming generations will suffer due to this negligence. Follow the above steps to reduce air pollution. The above article also includes the preventive measures of air pollution control.