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All Americans Must Support Donald Trump: Nicole Kidman

All Americans Must Support Donald Trump: Nicole Kidman

Jan 16, 2017
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The dual citizenship (Australia and United States) holder, actor Nicole Kidman unwillingly answered a question regarding the new elected U.S President Donald Trump. She gave her opinion that all Americans should throw differences away and support the new U.S administration. The remarks of Kidman appeared during the interview by BBC Two regarding her role in the film “Lion”. There was a clip of 15 minutes and the interviewer Victoria Derbyshire analyzed that Kidman has dual citizenship and she had voted in the U.S election 2016. When she was asked about the new elected U.S president, she responded that she was always quit for talking about politics. She also said that “I am issue based and I will comment on the things that I know. I can say Trump has now elected and we should provide our full support whatever our president is”.

Nicole Kidman

Kidman also showed her support for the issues regarding women including the marriage equality. She also said that “I am committed to issues regarding women and I have done a lot of fundraising for U.N. Women. I have done a lot of travelling for women and I also collected a heavy amount of fundraising for ovarian and breast cancer because it had badly affected by family. So, these are my specific issues and I am vary dedicatedly attached to them”. Point to be noted that Twitter users also expressed their disagreement regarding her remarks. Most of them tweeted that her statement was “Career Suicide”, she should move to Russia or go back to Australia.