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A Black Man Holding Fire Arms Threatened Policemen

A Black Man Holding Fire Arms Threatened Policemen

Sep 3, 2015
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In the month of June 2015, a Facebook user updated post including a screen shot which circulated widely on social media websites indicating in image that a young Black man Jamal Longmire holding two guns and issuing statement of threatening to the police officers. The post added that a young man named Jamal Longmire endangered in a post on Facebook to shoot the police officers. The presence of Jamal Longmire was corresponded with wrangling over police behavior in McKinney, Texas, with a young black girl at a pool party. This image showing that a Black young man Jamal Longmire standing having two automatic guns with comments. He said that I will kill those white ass policemen, because those policemen called Black girls as bitches. This is also considered as disturbing statement by those policemen and it should be reported.

Jammal Longmire

We found that Jamal Longmire is a black terrorist who updated his own pictures holding guns and issuing statement to kill policemen or it may be a tactic to spread threat. Supposed captured screen in this post was shared on a number of social media websites with a date stamp of 8th June 2015. Another post also published on 10th June 2015 and one tweet updated on 11th June 2015. Both posts were shared thousands times about Jamal Longmire depicting as ‘Black Lives Matter Activist’. We have found that references of Jamal Longmire before 8th June 2015 were misdated references and all those posts were updated by rumors. We are unable to find original evidence regarding accuracy of those comments in all posts. FBI and other concerning departments are conducting a joint investigation about comments of Jamal Longmire and posts of Facebook.