US Military joined civilian nurses in hospitals to fight against COVID-19

US Military joined civilian nurses in hospitals to fight against COVID-19

Feb 1, 2021

The race to vaccinate Americans against COVID-19 is accelerating as 32 states in the US have now detected variants of the coronavirus. The covid-19 variants were first found in the United Kingdom, Brazil, and South Africa. It is putting even more pressure on

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Petter Eide nominated Black Lives Matter movement for Nobel Peace Prize

Petter Eide nominated Black Lives Matter movement for Nobel Peace Prize

Jan 31, 2021

A number of news outlets have reported that the BLM or Black Lives Matter movement has been nominated for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize because its call for systemic change has spread globally. The movement was nominated by Norwegian MP Petter Eide. He

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President Joe Biden signed Executive Order to combat Climate Change crisis

President Joe Biden signed Executive Order to combat Climate Change crisis

Jan 27, 2021

On Wednesday, US President Joe Biden signed several executive orders designed at combating climate change, building on unilateral action. He took his first day in the office and heightening the federal government’s focus on the issue. Vice President Kamala Harris, the special presidential

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Donald Trump has opened Office of the Former President

Donald Trump has opened Office of the Former President

Jan 26, 2021

The former US President Donald Trump has established his “office of the Former President”, in Palm Beach, Florida. The office will manage his correspondence, appearances, and other official activities to advance the interests of the United States. It would carry on the agenda

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Google has offered its facilities in the US for COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics

Google has offered its facilities in the US for COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics

Jan 25, 2021

Google is looking to provide its most facilities as coronavirus vaccination centers. On Monday, the CEO of Google said the company will make its office facilities available for COVID-19 vaccination clinics. Point to be noted that most tech giants aim to speed up

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Biden Administration to cancel Trump’s Transgender Military Ban on 25th January

Biden Administration to cancel Trump’s Transgender Military Ban on 25th January

Jan 24, 2021

The administration of US President Joe Biden is expected to cancel the ban on transgender Americans from serving in the military. Some authentic sources have confirmed that the announcement is expected on Monday 25th January. The senior Defense official informed a news outlet

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US President immediately stopped all Wall Construction work at the US Border

US President immediately stopped all Wall Construction work at the US Border

Jan 21, 2021

The construction work quickly increased to finish Trump’s border wall at an iconic cross-border park overlooking the Pacific Ocean before Joe Biden became president. On Wednesday, President Biden ordered to halt the work on all border wall construction sites within a week. He

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US Federal Court knocked down Coal-friendly EPA Climate Rules of Trump Administration

US Federal Court knocked down Coal-friendly EPA Climate Rules of Trump Administration

Jan 20, 2021

A US federal appeals court has struck down the plan of the Trump administration to relax restrictions on power plant greenhouse emissions. A US court of appeals said the plan approved by the EPA in 2019 and was a mistaken reading of the

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Why 12 National Guard members were terminated from Joe Biden inauguration?

Why 12 National Guard members were terminated from Joe Biden inauguration?

Jan 19, 2021

Two US officials have confirmed that 12 US Army National Guard members have been removed from the presidential inauguration security mission. The move came after they were found to have ties with right-wing militia groups or posted extremist views online. They said there

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Joe Biden’s $15 an hour wage proposal could decrease Poverty in the US

Joe Biden’s $15 an hour wage proposal could decrease Poverty in the US

Jan 17, 2021

Economists and labor advocates said President-elect Joe Biden proposed a plan to more than double the federal minimum wage. It would provide an urgent pay increase to millions of low-income workers and help stem inequality in the US. On Thursday, Biden called for

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