President Trump will force food plants and supply chain to stay open during COVID-19 outbreak
US President Donald Trump will force meatpacking plants to remain open during the coronavirus epidemic over fears regarding the stability of the US food supply in months to come. Trump has planned to invoke the Defense Production Act by listing the plants as
Trump refused to take responsibility for Americans ingesting disinfectant
On Monday, US President Donald Trump said he will not take responsibility if Americans inject or otherwise consume disinfectant to kill Covid-19. Point to be noted that he suggested it during a Thursday evening press conference. Trump was asked about Maryland’s governor saying
Lindsey Graham says North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un is ‘Dead or Incapacitated’
An ally of President Donald Trump and member of the Senate foreign relations committee, Senator Lindsay Graham said he believes North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un is dead or incapacitated. The Senator speculated that the hermit kingdom would not let rumors of its leader’s
President Trump has planned to Freeze US Green Cards for 2-Months
US President Donald Trump has announced the US government is freezing new green cards for 60-days. He said in another strict immigration move and described it is essential to take care of American workers during the widespread coronavirus outbreak. Trump said during his
Trump shouted at Republican Governor over Fake claims about COVID-19 Testing
US President Donald Trump has threatened governors about their allegations over coronavirus testing. He was holding up a thick list of laboratories and said some ‘didn’t understand’ were available in their states even as the local chiefs executive say they need more testing
Andrew Cuomo and Bill de Blasio have indicated a downturn in Covid-19 cases in New York
On Sunday, Governor Andrew Cuomo has indicated the new coronavirus figures of New York have shown an ongoing downturn in the severity of the widespread COVID-19 epidemic. He shared the most recent impact report during his latest coronavirus briefing at Long Island Health
President Trump has declared United States as the King of Ventilators
U.S President Donald Trump outstripped another aggressive week of the coronavirus outburst by again criticizing some governors and declaring the United States as the king of ventilators. His public health team discounted governors’ claims on testing shortages even as the coronavirus death toll
Trump’s new Guidelines for Governors could reopen most States in the US
President Donald Trump said the US will investigate a conspiracy theory surrounding the coronavirus suggesting it originated from a laboratory in Wuhan, China. Point to be noted that it was originally designed as a weapon to use in biological warfare. The US Secretary
Trump puts wild allegations at ‘WHO’ while Bill Gates criticized him for the move
US President Donald Trump has threatened to end US funding for the WHO (World Health Organization). He will hold $500 million per year funding at the peak of the global coronavirus epidemic. Trump blamed the organization for covering up the outburst in its
Trump blamed ‘WHO’ for coronavirus deaths in ‘US’ and suspended funding for the Organization
U.S President Donald Trump has announced the United States is suspending funding to the WHO (World Health Organization). The administration of Trump reviews what he described as the group’s disastrous role in covering up the outburst of Covid-19 coronavirus in China. President Trump
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