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Did Colorado Residents see a UFO in Night Sky?

Did Colorado Residents see a UFO in Night Sky?

Jun 13, 2017
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A video was posted on a Facebook page “I’m From Denver” on 17th April 2017. The video was showing an unidentified flying object including a claim that it was spotted over Southern Colorado. This video was shared millions of times due to the page didn’t exactly mention the spotted place in Southern Colorado the video was allegedly filmed. So, we were unable to check with local authorities to confirm whether residents originally saw something extraordinary causing alarm in the night sky. The posted video was showing an outlandish happening and most people assumed that it was covered by the local news media. But, there aren’t any kinds of reports from Colorado matching the information of such sighting.

UFO portal

Point to be noted that the region of Southern Colorado is well known especially San Luis Valley is a hotspot for sightings of UFO. Originally, this posted video wasn’t filmed in Colorado; it was initially reported in the month of March 2017. A number of people claimed in March that they had seen it somewhere over Sonora (a Mexican state that touches the border of United States). It wasn’t confirmed whether the posted video was original or computer generated using an advanced tool of alteration. Moreover, the use of drones using LEDs to create light show has been considered a well-known technique. A Spanish-language YouTube personality, Gabe Hash also explained this video and said that it can be recreated using a program called Adobe After Effects.