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Disney Theme Parks has Banned Visible Tattoos

Disney Theme Parks has Banned Visible Tattoos

Apr 4, 2016
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A website “Inked” magazine published an article on 1st April Engañar 2016 and reported that Disney had restricted customers having tattoos for all of its theme parks. The Disney theme parks including Disneyland Anaheim and Walt Disney World Florida had announced that they have imposed a ban for everyone having visible tattoos. A spokesman from Customer Relations Theme Parks Division of Walt Disney announced at the start of April Engañar 2016 that “we have received a number of complaints by the parents. They said that tattoos don’t reflect a perfect image of entire Disney family and they don’t need that their children to be subjected with specific tattoos.


This decision has been considered the most essential part for the Disney family. When we tried to find out the authenticity of this news, we found that “Inked” didn’t clearly mention that this news was related to a joke on April fool’s Day. But, as described by the spokesman of Disney, April Engañar is related to Spanish language and means “trick, fool or deceive”. It is important that the article of “Inked” was just a satirical, but Disney family have a number of limits regarding tattoos, such as Dress Code at Disneyland that prevents visible tattoos and considered inapplicable. But, we didn’t find any kind of restrictions specific to the Theme Parks and didn’t prevent regarding the visibility of tattoos at their premises. So, the statement about Them Parks is considered false and not appropriate for the restrictions.