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FBI Warned about Joining of White Racist Groups in Police Departments

FBI Warned about Joining of White Racist Groups in Police Departments

Sep 28, 2016
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At least 10 year old FBI warning was circulated online regarding white racists furtively joined police departments. The story became viral after publishing the opinion of former military police captain & professor at John Marshall Law School Samuel V. Jones regarding the issue for “The Grio”. The article of Jones linked civil unrest over a string of police shootings on unarmed Black Americans. The article of Jones was republished on Facebook in 2016 by African-American comedian D.L. Hughley. This story became more emotional on CNN just after alleged police shootings and killing two African-American men, Alton Sterling and Philando Castile. The article of Jones motivated other websites to republish the 2006 warning of the FBI and linked it with the recent police shooting incidents.


The article basically discussed that how white racist penetration in law enforcement can impact on security. It also provided an access to hate group members in getting information and it can put a risk on investigations into such organizations. It is important that police violence was a major issue in the year 2006 and it again happened in 2016. Most of the people believe that “Black Lives Matter” movement regenerated the issue. But, it is very hard to judge that how it was applicable in recent days due to the recent police shooting events. The 2006 report of FBI indicated that white racist groups had an interest in penetrating in the police departments, but this report didn’t mention that how many efforts were succeeded. The report claimed that this kind of penetration could bring careless investigations.