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Former National Security Adviser HR McMaster could criticize Trump in his New Book
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Former National Security Adviser HR McMaster could criticize Trump in his New Book

Feb 25, 2020
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U.S President Donald Trump will soon decide about another potentially worrisome book by a former National Security Adviser, HR McMaster. He is a retired U.S Army one-star general and remained mostly silent regarding his time working for Trump, and the National Security and foreign policy moves. Point to be noted that the U.S president removed McMaster in March 2018. The New York-based Harper Collins will publish McMaster’s book in April 2020. But, it must first pass through a White House security review. Trump’s team is currently reviewing another book by a former National Security Adviser, John Bolton. The conservative hawk promising its 14th chapter will contain some fiery details regarding the Trump team’s Ukraine policy push.

Former National Security Adviser HR McMaster could criticize Trump in his New Book

The book of McMaster will give him a chance to tell his side of his steadily devolving relationship with the commander in chief. A retired Army Lt Col Daniel Davis served under McMaster in the 1990s Persian Gulf War. He said, “If you look at his first book, Dereliction of Duty, about the Vietnam War, he didn’t throw people under the bus. That was really a history book about what happened and what went wrong. I think we’ll see something very similar to that. All indications are he will use this to push his views on foreign policy, which certainly did differ from the president’s and grand strategy. There has been talk that the president still calls him to get his advice.

He added, “I would expect McMaster to be very, very measured with any criticisms of the president”. McMaster said in an interview with the Hudson Institute shortly after leaving the White House, he said, “I wasn’t really opposed to the summit. I had concerns that I raised with colleagues and with the president. My concern was that the campaign of maximum pressure may not have proceeded long enough to really convince Kim Jong Un that his regime is less safe with nuclear weapons than he is without them”. McMaster went to the Munich Security Conference in February 2018 and said he saw incontrovertible evidence that Russia interfered in the 2016 U.S presidential election.