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Dinar News News

Frauds Investigation Regarding Money Changers in Karbala

Jan 8, 2013
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fraudAS we all know that illegal and unofficial money changers are doing their business of frauds in Iraq as well as in all over the world of Iraqi dinar currency. Every day, new fraud comes and threatens the market holder and investors about these frauds. Recently a fraud was reported in Karbala where a gang of fraudsters swapping outdated Polish Zloty has caused consternation and fear in the market of Karbala as well in other markets in Iraq.

The matter that happened in Karbala happened when A licensed currency exchange company delivered a woman named Umm Mahmood (Mahmood’s mother) with a currency Polish Zloty that was no longer in use. And with this woman had been fooled with this by the exchange rate companies, Umm Mehmood began to cry and she found that she had become a victim of fraud by the exchange company. She has made a complaint against that company. The government is quite serious about this fraud and government has ensured the woman she will be given the full justice and full relaxation and their case has now reached to the Prime Minister. The company is now facing Ban and government has cancelled the license of that company. And the company will not able to sell the Dinar now. Now the government is quite serious about this matter to solve the frauds.

The government has launched the learning courses and other promotional advertisement about how to avoid the frauds and threats involved in this investment. These measures are making Iraqi Dinar Investment safe and secure for the Iraqi Dinar investors and this investment has got popularity after the government gets itself involved to protect the investors from the frauds of Iraqi Dinar frauds and threats.