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Has Georgia become 1st U.S State to Ban Muslim Culture?

Has Georgia become 1st U.S State to Ban Muslim Culture?

Mar 21, 2017
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A website “usanewspost.us” published an article in the month of March 2017 with a misleading headline “Georgia Becomes First State to Ban Muslim Culture in Historic Move to Restore Western Values”. The headline was actually incorrect and entirely referenced a 4-months old news story. The referenced article was published on 15th November 2016 and indicated that a lawmaker resident of Georgia, Spencer presented a short-lived piece of legislature. This piece of law was presented to prevent wearing hoods or head coverings in public. A large number of people criticized the bill and said that it was presented to especially target Muslim women wearing head coverings or full face coverings, such as Hijabs and Niqabs.

Has Georgia become 1st U.S State to Ban Muslim Culture?

The text of the bill 3 mentioned that the head coverings and full-face coverings in public or during operating a vehicle will be considered a criminal offense. So, a person will be considered guilty of a criminal offense after wearing a hood, mask or any type of face-covering item by hiding face identity. It would be illegal using these types of items on any public place, public property or at the private property of someone else without getting a written permission from the owner of the property. When we tried to find out correctness of this news, we found that a Georgian representative filed a lawsuit in order to make it a criminal offense for wearing masks, hoods or any type of item to hide face identity without any religious exemption. But, it was false that bill was withdrawn after two days of submission.