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Why Google Take-Down more than 1 Million Websites?

Why Google Take-Down more than 1 Million Websites?

Feb 15, 2017
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After spending several years of attempting to wash-out the murky waters of the internet, the latest transparency report of Google has mentioned that the search giant has received requests for taking down more than one million various kinds of websites. Its individual URL removal request figures are now reaching over billions. These new figures indicated that pirates now have many options than ever when we talk about stealing digital cargo. A number of take-down requests were up significantly since last year. It has been considered a part of increasingly widespread use of algorithms by the copyright-holders. It automatically informs Google regarding the violation of the copyright content. The numbers are shocking and surprising that the most famous search engine in the world is working with requests in the removal of illegal or copyright violated contents from its search results.

Google take down a million websites

The report has indicated that websites such as “The White House and The U.S Department of Justice” had repeatedly sent requests to remove their content. The government of the United States is not only one and the lawful websites such as Netflix, BBC, The New York Times and NASA are also producing the naughty list. Some of them are confusing requests and they can be chalked down to copyright software errors. But, the transparency reports of Google are interestingly expose governments trying to censor specific contents. Point to be noted that political articles and videos are coming under fire on regular bases from governments around the world. The transparency reports authorize their citizens to keep tabs easily on their government. The massive amount of these copyright contents can be linked with an increase in piracy.