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Hillary Clinton had Flattered TPP Agreement of Gold Standard

Hillary Clinton had Flattered TPP Agreement of Gold Standard

Sep 30, 2016
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There are a number of allegations exchanged on 26the September 2016 between the two candidates for U.S Presidential Elections 2016 Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton during the 1st debate for the presidential elections. One statement of Donald Trump was that Hillary Clinton flattered the multi-nation trade agreement TTP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) as the deal for “Gold Standard”. But what is the TTP? It is often considered as a more advanced version of NAFTA, some specific provisions are intended to be more advanced on those of NAFTA and it would displace parts of it after taking into effect by TPP. The agreement normally covers 12 Asian-Pacific nations, including Canada, Mexico and the United States excluding China.

Hillary Clinton had Flattered TPP Agreement of Gold Standard

This agreement has been strongly supported by the Obama administration and it also drops tariffs, improvement in the environmental protection & standards of human rights. It is important that it hasn’t yet been approved by the United States. Hillary Clinton delivered her words at the time when she was Secretary of State that the agreement is in progress on various levels. The remarks of Hillary Clinton regarding TPP became more shielded in 2013 when she left the U.S State of Department. She wrote in her book in 2014 Hard Choices that “Because TPP negotiations are still ongoing, it makes an observation to reserve judgment until we calculate and manage the final supposed agreement. Hillary was equilateral against it at the time of debate in October 2015 with her Democratic opponent candidate Bernie Sanders.