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Did Iceland Government Offered 5K Reward for Immigrants to Marry Icelandic Women?

Did Iceland Government Offered 5K Reward for Immigrants to Marry Icelandic Women?

Mar 2, 2017
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A number of untrustworthy websites in Africa and other countries published articles in the late June 2016 and reported that the Nordic country of Iceland experienced a lack of men, so its government had offered a reward of 5 thousand U.S dollars per month to those immigrants wish to marry an Icelandic resident woman. It is important that a blog named “The Spirit Whispers” posted by unknown user indicated that “Iceland country is an amazing place, but if you are truly interested then read the entire story. The Iceland has become a place of global attention and deliberated a number of amusing news by some news outlets by indicating the number of population of the country, customs and traditions. But, the most specific attention story is that it is due to a large number of women than men in its population”.

Did Iceland Government Offered 5K Reward for Immigrants to Marry Icelandic Women?

The blog further indicated that “the Iceland government has offered a solution by offering 5 thousand U.S dollars/ month to immigrant who marry an Icelandic woman”. After publication of this blog, a large number of male readers had showed their interest in the offer by leaving their comments. An Icelandic website “The Reykjavik Grapevine” reported that “various Icelandic women on Facebook were arrested for being practically spammed with friend requests from unknown non-Icelandic men”. The website also indicated that the alleged invitation was a hoax and pointed out that the latest population data has shown a surplus of men instead of women. The website also said that the government of Iceland never offered any kind of reward to immigrants for marrying Icelandic men or women.