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Monkeypox Virus caused 92 confirmed and 28 suspected cases in 12 Countries
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Monkeypox Virus caused 92 confirmed and 28 suspected cases in 12 Countries

May 23, 2022
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The World Health Organization issued a press release and said more cases of monkeypox were reported from around the world. Health officials in the United States have warned that more cases are expected in the coming days. The world health agency also indicated that 92 confirmed and 28 suspected cases were discovered in 12 countries, including the US.

These confirmed cases were reported from Portugal, Australia, Canada, Germany, Belgium, France, Spain, France, Sweden, Italy, the UK, and the US. The WHO experts said the situation is developing and expecting a significant increase in the cases of monkeypox. However, more cases will be discovered after expanding the inspection in non-pandemic countries.

Monkeypox Virus caused 92 confirmed and 28 suspected cases in 12 Countries

Monkeypox virus is different from Coronavirus

The White House Covid-19 response coordinator, Dr. Ashish Jha said the US could experience a few more cases of monkeypox. He said our scientists understand the virus and we have vaccines & treatments against it. The monkeypox virus spread much differently compared to the Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2). However, the monkeypox virus isn’t considered deadly as Covid-19.

He said the US is confident to handle the situation efficiently and effectively. But deeply monitoring and tracking would enable the government to continue efforts and prevent its spread. The countries with confirmed cases must take care of their infected people in a perfect manner. US health experts also said close contact with an infected person could cause the spread of the monkeypox virus.

Reasons behind the spread of Monkeypox Virus

Moreover, the infection can expand after uncovering infected body liquid, broken skin, mucosae, breathing moisture, or contacting dirty cloths. President Joe Biden said everyone must have significant knowledge about the symptoms and spread of the monkeypox virus. Scientists are continuously working and learning more after the recent spread.

However, experts said the monkey virus isn’t more severe than the coronavirus. But President Biden said health officials haven’t yet informed him about the level of exposure. He said the US government is efficiently working on it but it is still hard to point out specific measures and perfect vaccines. Effective treatment is essential to prevent spread because it could become significant.

Smallpox Vaccine for Monkeypox Patients

The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) is examining and providing a smallpox vaccine to healthcare workers. Those healthcare workers are treating monkeypox patients and people at risk after their exposure to monkeypox infection. Experts believe the monkeypox virus is similar to the variola virus that causes smallpox infection.

Moreover, smallpox and monkeypox are members of the Orthopoxviral category. It belongs to the scientific group of Poxviruses. The smallpox-related vaccines were also used for its treatment but amazingly showed effectiveness to prevent monkeypox. The weakness of muscles, headache, chills, fever, and exhaustion are initial monkeypox symptoms.

Monkeypox can cause Widespread Rash

The CDC said the development of swollen body fluid nodes is a feature that identifies infection with monkeypox. A widespread rash normally appears on the face and different body parts after its symptoms. The rash can appear on the palms of the hands, soles of the feet, and inside the mouth. Moreover, the painful elevated poxes are gleaming and liquid-filled with surrounding red circles.

The gashes finally sneak over and resolve over a two to three-week time period. The deputy director of the Division of High Consequence Pathogens and Pathology, Jennifer McQuiston, issued a statement. She said some cases of monkeypox were discovered decades ago in Central Africa and West Africa. There is a level of scientific concern because the virus has now caused an unusual situation.