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Multiple Photographs Showing Victims of September 2016 St. Cloud Incident

Multiple Photographs Showing Victims of September 2016 St. Cloud Incident

Sep 20, 2016
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At least 9 people were injured in violence by a knife-carrying man at the Crossroads Mall in St. Cloud. Minnesota on 17th September 2016. The knife-carrying man shot himself and injured but killed by an off-duty police officer. A number of photographs were published on most of the social media websites indicating that published picture is one of the victims of St. Cloud incident. It is important that published images were older than the described incident. The published photographs of a man with 1-inch deep slash wounds across his chest and back were initially published in the month of March 2006 including a text mentioning that “an airman of the United States Air Force was injured in a barroom incident near Kunsan Air Base, known as the Wolf Pack in South Korea.

Multiple Photographs Showing Victims of September 2016 St. Cloud Incident

Wolf Pack is a town in a commercial district and it is 3 miles away from Kunsan Air Base allocated for Americans. The 8th SFS & 8th MXS nominated the Air Force Police Unit (8th Security Forces Squadron and 8th Maintenance Squadron) from Kunsan for USAF Office of Special investigation at the air base. The U.S military newspaper Stars and Stripes indicated that the U.S Air Force officials investigated that there wasn’t any attack around Kunsan involving any USAF personnel and there wasn’t any name mentioned of Staff Sergeant Michael Jones in the e-mail currently stationed at Kunsan Air Base. The Air Force investigators were unable to find name & phone number used in the text taken from the Houston rapper Mike Jones’ 2005 CD release. The Air Force officials indicated that photographs are original, but they were taken in the United States and these pictures were captured by law enforcement authorities for training exercises.