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National Civil War Museum’s Confederate Artifacts Were Destroyed?

National Civil War Museum’s Confederate Artifacts Were Destroyed?

Jul 22, 2015
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The website People’s Cube published an article on 20th July 2015 indicating that the Civil War Museum in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania has been closed and all of its Confederate antiquities have been demolished. The disagreement of the associated flag caused this decision that the City Council of Harrisburg approved last week to close the doors of Civil War Museum for forever. This ruling produced a small level work-force having tasked for packing these elegant antiquities that were inside the museum for a number of decades. A group of unrecognizable activists workers also involved in this temporary hiring took some of these antiquities to demolish them as they called it bigotry, shrines to discrimination and hate. Prior noticing the concerning authorities or any authorization, they gathered a large number of Confederate antiquities and demolished them out of sight of authorities at behind of the museum building.


A large number of historical antiquities were having original confederate uniforms, equipments, flags, rifles and swords. After the demolishing and burning the antiquities by anti-confederate activists, they all walked away leaving a smoking mountain of vestiges with remaining of swords, metal buttons and weapons for discovering the concerning authorities.

The published article by People’s Cube website was circulated on a large scale by social media. Most of the viewers and readers believe that this news is genuine. But this news was also considered as fake news. This website has published some fictional news items such as Rosie O’Donnell’s with tattoo of ISIS. But the National Civil War Museum has confirmed on Facebook that they are not closing museum and this news is not original.