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Now Social Media Accounts info will be Required to Apply the U.S Visa

Now Social Media Accounts info will be Required to Apply the U.S Visa

May 5, 2017
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The U.S State Department has prepared a new proposal in the selection of visa applicants. The social media record for the last 5 years will be required by the visa applicants. It would only be applied at 0.5 % to those applying for visa worldwide, but nationals from the specific countries (travel ban countries) will not be targeted. You should take special care when using internet or your social media accounts in order to avoid any risk regarding your visa approval. Having social media accounts of the applicant would supposedly enable the U.S State Department to analyze more critically for expected terrorist connection or regarding the national security related issues & dangers. It shouldn’t be considered the 1st time intelligence agencies have prepared a proposal for incoming foreign nationals to examine their internet activities.

Now Social Media Accounts info will be Required to Apply the U.S Visa

Point to be noted that the Homeland Security Department had asked in the last June to add it. It reflects towards high-level scrutiny and Department wanted to pay to visa applicants after San Bernardino shooting 2015. The Department got its desire in December 2016 to those who were applying for visa waiver program.  The supposed proposal would boost up the vetting process as promised by the U.S President Donald Trump during his election campaign. It would require from applicants to list names and dates of birth and their biographical details for up to 15 years such as their home addresses and entire travel history, but hasn’t yet included. The supposed changes would generate a significant amount of public comment prior to its approval and implementation by the 18th May 2017.