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Rubber Bands Can be Used to Unlock by Thieves

Rubber Bands Can be Used to Unlock by Thieves

Apr 26, 2016
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A Facebook user posted an image on 21st April 2016 showing a rubber band outstretched over a latch handle of a door. A statement also added with the posted image about warning people regarding a new technique using rubber bands that are being adopted by thieves to cheat home lock security. Some older methods include rubber bands to cheat chain locks and regular doorknob locks. The technique mentioned by the above discussed Facebook page didn’t provide any benefit for a robber or thief. The described scene indicated the involvement of a thief stand-up outside a locked door and he was waiting for it to be unlocked to enter inside.

Rubber Band

This post of Facebook purported that this technique to enter inside a home has become “happening all of a sudden”. When we tried to find out about authenticity regarding this news, we were unable to find any kind or news report related to this technique. The post didn’t specified any link related to this post, but incredibly this news was shared by more than 10 thousand times in just few days after its first publishing. We were also unable to find any warning by the Police Department about using rubber bands by thieves to enter inside. A large number of people were confused and mixed up the rubber band and door lock with other existing techniques for cheating locks.