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Be a Sass Master – Follow these Simple Steps
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Be a Sass Master – Follow these Simple Steps

Jan 14, 2015
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Sass is difficult for many developers, but I would say, if this is understood properly, then this can become easy and can make your entire your programming as award winning, scalable, and secure. Thoriq FIradus wrote a good article about making use of Sass, where it was revealed that how to make use of Sass, installing, and making it highly useful CSS processor language. In this article, it has been tried to give you insights about what you can do with Sass and how developers are getting benefits from the Sass in order to create better and modular CSS code.Skip ahead the section, you want, are as:

  • Variable
  • Tools for trade
  • Extending Rule sets
  • Nesting
  • Operations
  • Placeholder Selectors
  • Functions
  • Mixins

SassVariables come as one of the first things you need to wrap your head around the variables. Coming from the PHP or the other similar coding, then Variables will be second nature to you. Variables are for sorting bits and pieces of reusable information just like a color value. But, this looks not so useful here, but, here just imagine 3000 lines of code, and if your color scheme changes, then you will require to change the color value in CSS. Sass has made this very easier, and you can just change the value of the primary variable and get it done with.

Variables have been greatly used in order to sort font names, sizes, as ahost of other information, and colors.In addition, for the large projects, it becomes a worthwhile in extracting all sort of information in a separate file, and for the more clarity, you can have deeper look in finding how variables are doing for your organization.

Let us come tools of trade, you can see how Sass use the command line. If you prefer the GUI tools, then you can go some of the good apps, which have used the Sass like codekit, concatenating, web developer tool, auto prefixing, and much more, in this way, this is always one of the best options to see the Tools of the trade. If you want to use the Sass without paying anything, then you can make use of the terminal, whichis known as Koala.

sass.Ability to nest rules is the nesting, which is offered by the Sass. Lest explain this with an example that, you are building a navigation menu, you have a nav element, which contains unordered list, list items, and link. Nesting is extremely useful because it is helpful in making the stylesheets more useful, and with the nesting structures, you can achieve highly legible code structures, even if you have a fair amount of code structures.

Extending rules become useful if we are working on the object oriented languages, it is best understood through the languages, like button primary, button small, and button class, which means that they take on all their properties and then definer their own. This is useful in many cases like Messages including alerts, errors, and successors; Manu types; color buttons, types, font color etc.

Mixins come as an important feature and one of the most favorite for the preprocessor users. Mixins are reusable rulesets, which are perfect for short handing long CSS rules.