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Trump shouted at Republican Governor over Fake claims about COVID-19 Testing
Coronavirus Health News Politics

Trump shouted at Republican Governor over Fake claims about COVID-19 Testing

Apr 21, 2020
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US President Donald Trump has threatened governors about their allegations over coronavirus testing. He was holding up a thick list of laboratories and said some ‘didn’t understand’ were available in their states even as the local chiefs executive say they need more testing kits. He didn’t mention the name of Maryland governor Larry Hogan but singled out the Republican governor. Point to be noted that Larry Hogan appeared on Sunday in a television interview. He alleged President Trump and his team of making false claims regarding states having enough testing kits. Trump said, “Maryland governor didn’t really understand. He didn’t really understand what was going on.” President didn’t criticize Republican Governor Hogan but went after Democrats.

Trump shouted at Republican Governor over Fake claims about COVID-19 Testing

Trump mocked Democratic governors and other Dem officials and said, “It used to be ventilators, ventilators, ventilators. Now, it’s testing, testing, testing.” President put accusations in a pair of tweets and said he knew best that state governments were requesting too many ventilators a few weeks back. It is noteworthy that thousands of Americans have lost their lives since the spread of the coronavirus Covid-19 epidemic. On Monday, Trump described Democrats as trying to use the epidemic to hurt him politically. The US vice president Mike Pence also said governors should have all the testing kits they need to move into the first phase of reopening their states, so long as they meet other White House-set standards.

Lt. Gen Todd Semonite presented a slide show of temporary hospitals built in several states. But he declined to name locations. He also announced the corps will soon build a handful of additional makeshift hospitals to supplement existing medical facilities in more remote locations. It clearly indicated there are more coronavirus cases in rural areas than hospitals can handle and triggering local officials to contact the Corps of Engineers. Brad Smith of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services announced the president will do something he has been reluctant to do. He will use the Defense Production Act to obtain new swabs from a company in Maine.