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Trump’s supporters blamed China for widespread coronavirus saying it Kung Flu
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Trump’s supporters blamed China for widespread coronavirus saying it Kung Flu

Jun 24, 2020
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US President Donald Trump again said that using a derogatory phrase for the coronavirus that some call offensive to Asian people and an audience of young supporters roared with laughter. He was addressing young Republicans in Phoenix when he pivoted from talking about his southern border wall and California’s Democratic leaders to slamming Tijuana, Mexico for its coronavirus infection rate. Trump then started riffing about the disease’s name and the youngsters loved it. He said, “I said the other night, there’s never been anything where they have so many names. I could give you 19 or 20 names for that, right? It’s got all the different names. Wuhan”. President was referring to the province in China where the virus is believed to have gone public.

Trump’s supporters blamed China for widespread coronavirus saying it Kung Flu

Trump said, “Wuhan was catching on. Coronavirus, right? A transcript of the event indicates an unknown speaker yelled out, ‘Kung Flu’. The crowd erupted with approval when the president heard Kung flu and said “Kung flu, yes”. He said, “COVID. Covid-19. COVID. I say what’s the 19? COVID-19. I said that’s an odd name. I could give you many, many names. Some people call it the Chinese flu, the China flu, right?” Trump’s use of the phrase has exposed a rare disagreement between himself and White House counselor Kellyanne Conway.

Conway informed reporters in March 2020 that it is wrong to say Kung Flu because it is highly offensive. But she defended the President on Wednesday, and said, “My reaction is that the president has made very clear he wants everybody to understand, and I think many Americans do understand that the virus originated in China. And had China been more transparent and honest with the United States and the world, we wouldn’t have all the death and destruction that unfortunately we’ve suffered”. She was also asked about the differing opinion with President Trump, she said they meet frequently but don’t always agree on every issue.