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The U.S President Apologized on Bombing in Japan in 2nd World War

The U.S President Apologized on Bombing in Japan in 2nd World War

May 30, 2016
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Since the end of World War II, the U.S President Barak Obama has been considered the first president visited Hiroshima, Japan on 27th May 2016. A number of social media and news outlets covered the historic visit to Japan and named it as “apology tour”, but originally the U.S President didn’t apologize. There are still a number of social media outlets discussing about the supposed apology of the U.S President Obama. The New York Post published an article on 26th May 2016 and indicated for a Shameful apology tour of President Obama. The author of the article supposed that Barak Obama will apologize for massive killing of people in Hiroshima in the World War II.

U.S President

The massive action took place in 1945 by the United States and dropped Atom bomb on Hiroshima. At least 100 thousand people were killed in this attack. The White House made it confirm that any kind of apology will not take place in the tour of Barak Obama. Point to be noted that the above article was came one day before the visit of the U.S President, so we didn’t find any evidence. It is important that the U.S President offered his deeper regrets on the death of a Japanese woman. She was allegedly killed by a former U.S Marine, but the U.S President only condemned on this incident not action took place in the World War II. He didn’t arrive in Hiroshima for the condolences of those who killed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and didn’t apologize for the action of Americans in the World War II.