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The U.S Primary Election Voter Fraud by the Supporters of Hillary Clinton

The U.S Primary Election Voter Fraud by the Supporters of Hillary Clinton

Oct 14, 2016
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A website “Christian Times Newspaper” published an article on 10th October 2016 and reported that “new evidence is surfacing”. The website indicated that a widespread voter fraud found carried out by the supporters of Hillary Clinton during the primary election. New evidence disclosed just before one month of the U.S Presidential Election, allegedly showing a significant amount of voter fraud conducted by the supporters of Hillary Clinton during the primary election in three states including Pennsylvania, Illinois and Arizona. All three mentioned states were being considered strong supporters for her challenger Bernie Sanders. Hillary Clinton won from all three states by minimum margins. The website Christian Times Newspaper collected footage from polling sites using hidden cameras.


The alleged video was showing election observers & judges stuffing ballot boxes with fake votes at the time when polling place was empty from voters. We tried to find out authenticity of this news, we found that report of Christian Times Newspaper was false due to there was no hidden cameras installed at the polling sites for capturing footage showing voter fraud. The posted screenshot was originally taken from news footage of BBC regarding alleged voter fraud in Russia, instead of the United States. The website “Christian Times Newspaper” has been considered a fake news website. This website often publishing fabricated click-bait stories regarding to the upcoming U.S Presidential Election 2016. The website also published a false story a couple of weeks ago by indicating that thousands of pre-marked ballot papers for Hillary Clinton & other Democratic candidates were discovered in Ohio.