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U.S Senate Asked Flynn for Documents Regarding Investigation on Russian Influence

U.S Senate Asked Flynn for Documents Regarding Investigation on Russian Influence

Oct 18, 2017
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On 17th October, the U.S Senate Intelligence Committee has asked the former national security adviser of the U.S President Donald Trump’s son to provide required documents and testimony. A source informed that this requirement has been considered a part of the panel investigating the alleged involvement of Russia in the U.S Presidential election 2016. 58-years old Michael G. Flynn was a former U.S Army General and a close aide of Donald Trump. He was fired by President Trump just after 3 weeks from his White House job in the month of February 2017. He was came under scrutiny for his alleged foreign contacts. It was also said that the son of Donald Trump scheduled and managed his entire trips while working at Flynn Intel Group consultancy.

U.S Senate Asked Flynn for Documents Regarding Investigation on Russian Influence

One of the alleged trips indicated that his one trip to Moscow took place in 2015 for an event and Flynn was sitting next to the President of Russia Vladimir Putin. Point to be noted that Russia strongly rejected the conclusions of the U.S intelligence agencies that Moscow interrupted the U.S presidential campaign to support the Republican candidate Donald Trump by hacking emails of Democratic Party and spreading propaganda online. A lawyer of the 34-years old Flynn, Barry Coburn refused to comment on the request of Senate committee. The panel also asked the elder Flynn to provide information to testify them. The source confirmed that the panel of U.S Senate will issue a request to foreign policy adviser of Trump campaign, Carter Page. It is important that Trump has denied any collusion with his associates and called it as “Fake News”.