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US Government launched a Website for Americans to receive Child Tax Payments
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US Government launched a Website for Americans to receive Child Tax Payments

Sep 2, 2021
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The US federal government has joined with a new internet site to help more Americans to apply and receive the expanded child tax credit. They can collect a monthly payment of $300 per child that was part of the coronavirus relief package. The statement said that Code for America has developed a website GetCTC.org in partnership with the White House and Treasury Department. The major objective is to provide a genuine online form also accessible via mobile phones. It is for people who are not legally obligated to file taxes to apply for the tax credit because they don’t earn enough money. The senior program director for tax benefits at Code for America David Newville issued a statement. He said, “Our research really shows the simpler you make the process, the more likely people are going to actually successfully make it through”.

US Government launched a Website for Americans to receive Child Tax Payments

Moreover, the online form is available in English and Spanish language. Code for America previously worked with more than 100 partner organizations to help people prepare tax returns and the intention is to get more people signed up for the child tax credit. The government estimation said that at least 88% of children were already able to receive the tax credit when payments started in July. US President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package includes an expansion of the child tax credit and extending it to families without any tax obligations. Parents of a child under the age of 6 can annually receive $3,600. Each child from the age of 6 to 17 qualifies for $250 per month or annually $3,000. Biden has proposed extending it through 2025 and needs to make it permanent.

The extended tax credit appears to make a meaningful difference as a Census survey indicated that food instability for families with children fell 24% after the first payments were issued. The Biden administration has also emphasized the importance of ensuring as many people as possible receive the credit. It was designed for greater community outreach and the new portal developed by Code for America. Gene Sperling is leading the oversight efforts of the relief payments for the Biden administration. He said, “There’s no question you’re doing something this major this quickly there’s going to be wrinkles and bumps in the road, and we’re just as committed as we can be to smoothing them out as quickly as we can. All of this has to be part of a very serious and concerted effort to get as many children signed up as we possibly can”.