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A Video Showing a New Creature “Oscar” Discovered

A Video Showing a New Creature “Oscar” Discovered

Apr 18, 2016
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A Facebook page “The Modular Body” published a video on 14th April 2016 supposedly showing a meaty creature “Oscar”. The video was showing that its parts can be arranged according to various formations. The published video was taken from a website “The Modular Body”. This website has more clips and the published video on “The Modular Body” viewed by more than 6 million visitors within a couple of days. It attracted more visitors to check the reality about this video of meaty creature. We also found that the published video was related to a Sci-Fi web series, but not related to any documentary film.


The Dutch filmmaker and owner of Creator’s Project Floris Kaayk explained that “Oscar” was the creation of a researcher Cornelis Vlasman and he used fictional characters. Kaayak added that these kinds of articles often use shocking headlines and present that it is possible to create operational organs by recently available advanced technology. If you need further information then you will find that these kinds of researches are at its initial stages and it is still impossible to print organs for up to next 30 years, but the published video was just a science fiction. He said that if we are able to print organs or other body parts then why don’t we go for redesign a human body? So, the published video story is not real and considered false due to it is fictional.